Covid-19 Secure Touring Pantomime
we are pleased to be able to be touring this year with Dick Whittington and Santa The Panto as our Touring Panto is Covid-19 safe.
We have processes in place to maintain social distancing in venues and to ensure we are Covid-19 secure so we can perform for you this year.
As you know we usually provide a 2 hour pantomime and you are still able to have this as your performance option.
However if required we can break this down to a 1 hour show and offer you 2 x 1 hour performances. So you can accommodate your usual audience numbers with any Social Distancing requirements that may be in place.
The safety of our Cast & Audience Members is paramount and so during this tour we will be ensuring the following:
Our cast will be having Coronavirus tests before they come to rehearsals & once they arrive they will be entered into a Social Bubble from the beginning of rehearsals, During this time they will also be submitted for a further Coronavirus test along with daily temperature checks. These temperature checks will continue daily for the duration of the tour.
PPE where required will be worn during Get In & Get out's (venue must be closed to the audience/public at this time)
In addition to this we have purchased 20ft of "sneeze guards" we can erect in front of the performance area if required. (a sneeze guard is a clear roller banner that we can be performing behind) along with this we also have a ULV COLD Fogger which is a Disinfectant Sprayer that we can use inside venues before & between performances if required.
Our equipment will be cleaned & sanitised before we enter your venue.
Social Distancing will be strictly enforced whilst we are inside a venue & audience members will be unable to interact (for photo's etc) with the cast as we have done so in the past, However we have devised some ways to still involve the audience in the pantomime that are Covid-19 safe and following social distancing guidelines.
If there is a future government lockdown your pantomime will be cancelled & we will work with you to reschedule the performance & Any deposits paid can be moved on to a rescheduled date for this or another production.
We will be touring pantomimes at Easter, Halloween, Christmas during 2022 along with of our ABBA tribute show Kiss the Teacher.
Please feel free to contact us to discuss performance options so you can have one of our touring pantomimes at your venue.